The first speaker of the day at the Business Excellence Forum held in San Diego last month was Elizabeth McCormick, Keynote Speaker & US Army Black Hawk Pilot Elizabeth Mccormick
You can imagine how many times she encountered resistance throughout her training to become an Army Blackhawk helicopter pilot, which of course she did do. A lot times that resistance came with the words attached…” You can’t…” She almost seemed to ignore the negative and simply focus on what SHE needed to do, to believe, to study, or to learn in order to simply accomplish her goal. Elizabeth said things like, “Belief in yourself is always a choice.” And “You and only you are responsible for your future.” She says that “On our worst days, simply show up and bring your best.” And “When things get hard, the one thing to ask yourself is, “Do I want this?” She reminded us to pick where we spend our time very carefully because practice makes permanent. “Rise up, and lead….but always F.L.Y. (‘First, Lead Yourself’)” and to “Always be on a mission of excellence.”
The Business Excellence Forum is an annual ActionCOACH event that brings about 600 coaches & clients from all over the world. Bradley J Sugars *never* disappoints and lines up only exceptional speakers for our two full days of incredible education and motivation filled with powerful teachings. #youhadtobethere #BEFA2019 #charleston?